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Setting Modem Speedy

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

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Adsl Modem SMC

Default IP:
Default password: smcadmin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik WAN
  2. Clik ATM PVC
  3. Klik VCI
  4. Protocol: 1483 Bridging, VLAN: Default, VPI/VCI: 8/81, Encapsulation: LLC, Qos Class: UBR, PCR/SCR/MBS: 4000/4000/10
  5. Klik Save Settings


Setting PPPoE:

  1. Klik WAN
  2. Klik ATM PVC
  3. Klik VCI
  4. Protocol: PPPoE, VPI/VCI: 8/81, Encapsulation: LLC, QoS Class: UBR, PCR/SCR/MBS: 4000/4000/10, IP assigned by ISP: Yes, IP Address:, Subnet Mask:, Connect Type: Always Connected, Idle Time (Minute): 5, Username: nmrspeedy@telkom.net, Password: (password dari telkom), Confirm Password: , MTU: 1492
  5. Save Settings
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